

URR envisions a world through which all refugees live irrespective of socio-cultural and economic background or of sexual orientation.gender identity, and expression.


The mission of URR is to eradicate all kinds of stigma and discrimination perpetrated against refugees, especially those who are the members of the LGBTIQ+ community through the promotion of peaceful education, Advocacy capacity-building and socio-economic empowerment initiatives to ensure good health and well-being of refugees


URR envisions a world through which all refugees live irrespective of socio-cultural and economic background of sexual orientation. Gender identity, and expression.


URR is an independent organization founded in 2016 by a dedicated group of young people presently living in Rwanda but displaced in their native countries due to both political and social issues and in response to the challenges being faced by the refugees in the LGBTQ+community.

Humanitarian Responsibility

Refugees often flee persecution, violence, and war. Providing assistance is a moral obligation to protect and support those in dire need.

Meet the Team

Meet our team of dedicated professionals.

Lionel Nizigiyimana

Executive Director &Founder

Fello Irambona

Executive Director Deputy

Patrick Habumugisha

Program Officer

Frida Uwamahoro

Finance Officer

Aaron Niyonagize

Communication Officer

Latest from the Blog


Engage with local and international organizations, NGOs, government agencies, and community leaders to build partnerships and ensure a coordinated approach.

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The mission of URR is to eradicate all kinds of stigma and discrimination perpetrated against refugees, especially those who are the members of the LGBTIQ+ community through the promotion of peaceful education, Advocacy capacity-building and socio-economic empowerment initiatives to ensure good health and well-being of refugees


URR envisions a world through which all refugees live irrespective of socio-cultural and economic background of sexual orientation. Gender identity, and expression.